Xaphan'S Death

Started by Wolfman, August 18, 2013, 07:28:36 PM

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The Duke returned from his absence and being a little rusty, Robert the Brute and Kelden were the 3 responsible for killing the murderer, who has been harrassing customers these last days. The glorious three chased the red up to the desert in the north where she finally bit the dust!

Hopefully this is a warning to brigands and murderers that the White Alliance always fights back!


Congratulations to all!! Great to have you back, Duke.


ii & Sabin


Welcome home, Morgan!  Thanks for the good news about Xaphan!


That was a tough guy to kill... i wish i knew how to stay alive that long against 3 opponents :)
Wonder if i should look into that spellweaving thing.


Congrats to the 3 of you... if you need any of the Spell Weaving scrolls, I have most of them.


Pirate Roberts was killed by Xaphan in Covetous LvL 3 so the Duke took some revenge, this time unassisted!

Pirate Roberts

Thank you for your speedy and just response, I was able to retrieve all of my gear.


Three cheers for the retribution squad!  I'm so glad you are back, Morgan.  Xaphan has been camping those GIL vendor houses, as you know.  Glad to hear about his demise yet again!


He got Hettar in Covetous # as well, but he rez'd me and helped me get back to my body...And he only looted 2 of my items, so not too bad a run-in over all


thanks for the fun! you guys put up better fights then SL! lol
