Buying Swords Mastery III

Started by Raine, September 25, 2023, 07:08:33 PM

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Hello, I'm trying to find a swords mastery III. Please let me know if you have one and how much your asking for it. tyvm!


Putting a Swordsmanship Mastery III into the special orders box in the loot house.



I'm not totally sure where thats at. I'm uwsp and Niv mentioned to ask here if anyone has one.


Okay, tell me where and when to meet you.


If you can tell me a day and time you can be online. I will try to ping you in global chat so we can meet.


Ty, It varies depending on kids n what not. I'll dm you with my discord if you've got that also with times I'm on. If you let me know when your usually on too it might be easier. I can usually get on for a few here and there. And I'm in no rush. I'm very glad someone has a mastery III. Also, if I'm not on, Magic Hands can probably take it and get it to me.


I put it in Magichand's dolphin mailbox in UWSP town. Good luck



I got the Mastery from MH a bit ago. Sorry about being a bit slow to respond on here. Tyvm again.


No worries. I figured you got it. Enjoy Siege.