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White Council Public Forum / Selling siege houses and items...
Last post by Kuzan - July 25, 2024, 06:03:57 PM
Hello everyone I am going to do a mass liquidation of all of my siege houses and items for cash
I have a vesper guardzone keep next to imanewbie and gnomes
New magincia house
BBQ smoker
Fletching station
Spinning lathe
Tinker bench
Smithing press
Sewing machine
Alchemy station
Ore cart
3 safes
Garden shed
8 garden beds
Rose rug
Bloody ankh
Bloody Pentagram
Davis locker
Gargish totem
Gadgetry table
2 crystal balls
2 flaming head
Ethereal dragon
Ethereal hell hound
Ethereal polar bear
Ethereal horse

To name a few things I will set the security of the house to public everything is locked on the floor and you can have a look
White Council Public Forum / Sara
Last post by Shalimar - July 21, 2024, 02:46:00 PM
Have you got stones for Akota? His house fell in Zento about 10 years ago and he's looking to try and get them back. He's tested the old stones I have but no joy. If you would let me know when you're around I can ask him to meet you in Zento Inn (he's not subbed yet) to test your un-named ones.

White Council Public Forum / Re: help with frost dragon
Last post by bob_the_fart_guy - July 17, 2024, 08:17:13 PM
thank you for the feedback on the Fdragons. i'm kinda a geek/nerd, i do greatly appriciate the willing-ness to be gifted one... i would like to tame one for myself.  so if you, or anyone else is ever online when i am, please take me along to see if we can get one to pop together.  :)  if i'm online i am always keeping an eye on the "General chat" in-game.  thank you, and i hope i can get one  :)
White Council Public Forum / Re: help with frost dragon
Last post by Calavera - July 13, 2024, 07:59:45 PM
Hi Robert,

I had no frost dragons in stables. Tried 4 or 5 Hoard maps but only ones that spawned were Ancient Guardians. If one turns up I'll post here.

-- Cal
White Council Public Forum / Re: help with frost dragon
Last post by Calavera - July 13, 2024, 04:34:37 PM

I'll try and log on around 3 and see if there is a spare frosty in my stables. I just gave one away so we might have to farm one up. The Frost Dragons are great pets I think. Hope to see you later.

-- Calavera
White Council Public Forum / help with frost dragon
Last post by bob_the_fart_guy - July 13, 2024, 04:30:34 PM
Hoping to tame a frost dragon. if my research is correct, the only way they spawn is with T-maps? for those of you who don't know, my in-game character is: Robert.  i play a "mixed bag" of a template, that isn't the most powerful, but i have fun with it.  Template: taming, animal lore, vet, musicship, provoke and magery . i try to keep an eye on gen chat when i'm online. i should be on tonight (07-13-24) around 3:00pm - ? EST if anyone can help. Thanks!
White Council Public Forum / Re: Calavera Petitions House V...
Last post by Calavera - July 01, 2024, 01:16:55 PM
Thanks Mavia, I sent you a PM here.

-- Calavera
White Council Public Forum / Re: Calavera Petitions House V...
Last post by Mavia - July 01, 2024, 11:15:34 AM
Calavera,,,,when you see Bia or Mavia get with me and we can you have mumble?
White Council Public Forum / Re: Calavera Petitions House V...
Last post by Sara Dale - June 22, 2024, 07:57:03 PM
Is that what I smell when the wind blows from the South?
White Council Public Forum / Re: Calavera Petitions House V...
Last post by LennyM95 - June 22, 2024, 06:06:12 PM
Nothing is wrong with my moat. I pee in it daily to keep it filled up.