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Topics - Tjalle

Do NOT click on suspicious links.

We just had a newly created account post in two old threads and their posts had nothing to do with the subject of the threads. All the posts said was:

"popular video *link* download on your phone"

So I´m giving this heads-up so you can avoid getting malicious stuff on your computer or phone like trojans, ransomware, keylogger, you name it...

- Do NOT click on suspicious links.
- Do NOT download stuff from people you don´t know.
Selling these Tritons. They should all be 2-slots and untrained. And if my memory serves me right they are all claimed in Tokuno for bushido/ninjitsu magical abilities.

Price is 200K each and will be sold on a first come, first serve basis.

Post here or PM me if you want to buy one or more.

#1 (TritonTwo):

HP 669

Stam 150

Mana 106

STR 112

DEX 200

INT 106

Resists 53 57 49 43 90

Wrestling 121

Resisting spells 165,4

#3 (TritonFour):

HP 677

Stam 150

Mana 116

STR 124

DEX 187

INT 116

Resists 53 52 51 40 85

Wrestling 128,3

Resisting spells 172,1

#4 (TritonFive):

HP 655

Stam 150

Mana 107

STR 159

DEX 171

INT 107

Resists 45 52 46 42 85

Wrestling 119,8

Resisting spells 172,9

#5 (TritonSix):

HP 685

Stam 150

Mana 107

STR 163

DEX 153

INT 107

Resists 53 56 50 36 90

Wrestling 128,2

Resisting spells 155,3

#7 (TritonEight):

HP 662

Stam 150

Mana 114

STR 152

DEX 213

INT 114

Resists 49 57 50 42 89

Wrestling 124,9

Resisting spells 179,7

#8 (TritonNine):

HP 695

Stam 150

Mana 118

STR 181

DEX 197

INT 118

Resists 45 52 50 35 86

Wrestling 111,4

Resisting spells 180,3

#9 (TritonTen):

HP 652

Stam 150

Mana 105

STR 110

DEX 158

INT 105

Resists 55 52 52 40 86

Wrestling 122,9

Resisting spells 185,7

#10 (TritonEleven):

HP 666

Stam 150

Mana 102

STR 179

DEX 170

INT 102

Resists 45 53 51 39 90

Wrestling 118,5

Resisting spells 160,1

#11 (TritonTwelve):

HP 671

Stam 150

Mana 102

STR 134

DEX 180

INT 102

Resists 52 54 46 38 87

Wrestling 110,3

Resisting spells 163,1

#12 (TritonThirteen):

HP 652

Stam 150

Mana 112

STR 226

DEX 172

INT 112

Resists 52 52 55 41 89

Wrestling 119,2

Resisting spells 186,5

#13 (TritonFourteen):

HP 699

Stam 150

Mana 104

STR 156

DEX 210

INT 104

Resists 47 52 45 35 86

Wrestling 115,1

Resisting spells 159,4

#14 (TritonFifteen):

HP 652

Stam 150

Mana 107

STR 191

DEX 153

INT 107

Resists 54 53 51 38 86

Wrestling 117,4

Resisting spells 185,7

White Council Public Forum / Gift giver at Luna bank.
February 25, 2022, 09:32:23 PM
There´s a shelf at Luna mint that gives out a book when double-clicked.
As always, be aware of thieves!
A tip is to open the bank, hide or invis and click the shelf and then put the book in the bank box before revealing yourself again. Then you can take it out at any other bank at a time of your convenience.

Looking to buy some of the nets in the link. Paying 50K each. Multiple of each is fine.
Going from left to right, I´m buying #2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11 and 14.
Let me know if you have any for sale by posting here, find me ingame, PM me or ICQ me on #329-570-049.

/Leawyn II

White Council Public Forum / Lost soulstones.
October 09, 2019, 02:27:38 AM
Skeletor is looking for his soulstones.
A little over an hour from now.

In the War room in Serpent's Hold. N/W side of the city.
I´ve lost count of how many confirmed cheaters there are in Hi-5 (Zora, Crunch, Merkd) but here´s one more: Frawg-.

And here´s an older one just for fun:

With a guildmaster and several guildmembers that openly cheat it´s safe to assume there´s plenty more of sucky PvPers in that guild using illegal programs...
Looking for a pair of ninja mitts and a kasa.

Name your price or item(s) that you need.

Post here, PM me, yell for Leawyn II ingame or ICQ me on 329-570-049.
... that claims he doesn´t use illegal features. Deja vú anyone?
Not that I think he´ll stick around on Siege but I wanted to share this anyway.
White Council Public Forum / Buying Armor set parts.
February 14, 2017, 11:34:30 PM

Looking to buy the following parts:

Acolyte Armor Set:

Greymist Armor (Chest)
Greymist Armor (Leggings)

Hunter's Garb Armor Set:

Hunter's Garb (Arms)

Marksman Item Set:

Feathernock (Quiver)

Monstrous Interred Grizzle Armor Set:

Skull Helm Of The Grizzle

Paladin Armor Set:

Plate Of Honor (Helm)
Plate Of Honor (Leggings)

Paying 1 mil per item. Except for the quiver, I´ll pay 2 Mil for that.
If you have any for sale, post here, PM me or ICQ me on 329-570-049.
Also, if anyone has that blessed whatever-is-was suit for sale, let me know.

Apparantly there is an issue where mounted pets go wild if you give the "All Follow" command to another pet of yours.
Click link for more details and updates.
White Council Public Forum / About housing (from UHall).
September 19, 2016, 09:40:27 PM

"Good morning everyone,

As I am sure  you have noticed you are unable to purchase Game Time Codes on the Origin Store.   I still do not have an ETA on the time or date it will be fixed, so as of today we are going to be turning off Housing Warehouse.  Understand that by turning off the Housing Warehouse  this also means no houses can be placed until we turn it back on.  We will not turn back on the Housing Warehouse until 1 week after the Origin Store begins selling the codes again.  Turning off the Housing Warehouse does not mean it will save a house if the house is in the IDOC state.

As soon as I have any more information I will pass it along to keep everyone up to date.

Don´t forget to click on the crystal outside of the Brit EM Hall, north of the Britain moongate, to get your EM Bennu sash.
Do it ASAP as we don´t know how long it will stay up.